Volunteer for Nashville Tree Conservation Corps
Nashville Tree Conservation Corps needs a special kind of volunteer; we need people who are willing to help organize community branches, connect and organize their neighbors to love their trees, count trees in yards, watch for new houses and developments that impact trees, and be our organization’s eyes and ears. If you are this type of person, we’d love to hear from you! Please email us by clicking the button below.
Volunteer for Root Nashville
Root Nashville is a public/private campaign, led by Metro Nashville and the Cumberland River Compact, to plant 500,000 trees across Davidson County by 2050… and they need your help shoveling! If you’d like to find volunteer opportunities to plant trees, then this is the organization that gets trees in the ground.
Volunteer for Nashville Tree Foundation
The Nashville Tree Foundation works to preserve and enhance Nashville’s urban forests by planting trees in urban areas, identifying the oldest and largest trees in Davidson County, and educating the public about the value of trees. They are the longest running tree organization in Nashville’s history with a myriad of programs to help the community get involved with trees, including the famous Big Ole Tree Contest where Nashville’s biggest trees are cataloged and celebrated. Give them a visit if you’ve got a big old tree!
Metro Historic & Specimen Tree Program
This metro-sponsored program allows a property owner to nominate their tree to be designated as “Historic & Specimen.“ Metro will then deed the tree to the owner’s property which gives the tree an extra bit of protection and special designation that will last in perpetuity with the property.
Emerald Ash Borer
It’s here … the pest that has decimated the North has made its way south. Some estimate that as much as 11-percent of our total tree canopy consists of ash tree species -- that's a lot to lose, Nashville! Though there's little we can do to stop it, you have some treatment options if you have a big, cherished ash tree. Click on the link below for more information.
Tennessee Environmental Council
Looking for a statewide organization that is focused on both trees and trash? T.E.C. is the organization for you! The organization has a mission of educating and advocating for the conservation and improvement of Tennessee’s environment, communities, and public health and they’ve been doing it since 1970. They’re responsible for distributing and/or planting over 670k trees across Tennessee! They are a fantastic organization to get involved with if you’re a passionate naturalist.