Stewards of Nashville’s Urban Canopy, Meet Our Dedicated Team!
Organization’s Communications Chair
Content Strategist and Copywriter
Sylvan Park Neighborhood
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist,
Bartlett Tree Experts
Lives in the Woods Outside of Nashville
Former Members:
Jim E. Gregory- Founder, Former Executive Director
Gwen Arney- Former Secretary
Dina Bahan
Mary Breen
Karen Brown
Phillip Chadwick
Mallory Dunavan
Elizabeth Fox- Former Chair
Lynn Green
Dodd Galbreath
Ad Hudler
Carol Hudler- Former Treasurer
Chris Liberti - Former Treasurer
Karen Knox- Former Secretary
Laura Martin
Emily Mayo- Former Operations Manager
Judson Newbern
Carol A. Norton
Kristin Perry
Diane Selser
Laura Ward- Former Treasurer
Southeast Director for Community and Government Relations, Western Governors University
Hillsboro West End