Mushroom Kits and Tinctures
For millions of years mushrooms and trees have existed long together in direct and indirect symbiotic relationships, now there is one more way these two living things help each other here in Nashville. Henosis and Nashville Tree Conservation Corps team up to help the world grow by selling mushroom products on the Tree Corps's website. Every purchase made through NTCC's eCommerce will support their 501c3 mission to promote, preserve, protect, and plant the urban tree canopy in Nashville, TN.
"Mushroom production at our farm, HENOSIS, relies heavily on hardwoods. We love trees as much as we love mushrooms and know the importance of giving back to nature in the same way she provides. Helping the Tree Corps raise funds to advocate for our tree canopy brings our farm one step closer to closing our production loop while simultaneously providing trees for future generations to enjoy." - David Wells, CEO of HENOSIS