District 2 Council Candidate - Andrè Southall - Speaks for the Trees!
Andrè Southall
District 2 Council Candidate
Nashville Tree Conservation Corps asked candidates running for Nashville’s 2019 election how they would solve some of our city’s most challenging tree canopy issues. See how they responded in the question and answer below!
Andrè Southall Speaks for the Trees…
There is one fundamental response and that is I want to help NTCC to protect trees on on levels etc. I hate the fact that tress are being cut down for the sake of this “city on the rise”.
We are a city on the demise by not caring for the beautification of trees that makes this city landscape wonderful. Again, if I win I will work directly with NTCC and Metro Parks to ensure the safety of these trees.
Thank you for your concerns for the true and beautiful landscape of Nashville and if I can be of any help please don’t hesitate to reach out at [redacted].