While slugs are often considered pests and snails might be seen as friendlier, these animals both contribute to maintaining local ecosystems, and both have the potential to do some damage in residential yards. In this article on Nashville’s fauna, we’ll examine how snails and slugs play various roles in and around trees, and toward the end, we’ll share some tips on how to manage the gastropod populations in your yard.
Read MoreResearch on woodland clearcutting legislation in other cities in Tennessee and beyond provides Nashville with a model for evidence-based ordinances.
Read MoreDamage to a tree’s bark or roots from lawncare equipment can have severe effects on the tree’s health, especially its ability to transport water throughout the tree.
Read MoreA September show and sale of paintings of local trees will benefit the Nashville Tree Conservation Corps.
Read MoreTennessee Nursery Hale & Hines donated 1,500 trees to the city of Nashville following storms that damaged a large number of the city’s trees
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